Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Power of the Good News

Several of the African tribes in this part of the continent have a custom of tying a leather or cotton string or thong around the wrist, neck or abdomen of their infants, which will remain on the infant as it grows until it comes off. The purpose of this practice is to dedicate the baby to the spirits, procuring the favor of the spirits, which they believe will result in protection and good luck for the child as he/she grows up. The believers know that worship of the spirits and the power of the shaman is satanic, and they know that “he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.”

Eugene Wessell and his wife Tina live and minister in Zambezia Province in Mozambique. He is South African (his mother is English and his father Afrikaans). Tina is from the UK. He does some preaching, but primarily serves alongside the local church leaders.

About three years ago, Eugene preached a sermon encouraging the believers to stop dedicating their children to Satan, and instead to dedicate them to Christ. After he preached, one of the men stood up and declared, “He is right. We must go home and release our children from Satan, and give them to Jesus.” And they did.

Two weeks later, one evening after sunset, Eugene and Tina heard shouting, and then saw a group of men break through their front door with a tree trunk, shouting, “Mata! Mata!” (Kill! Kill!) The men, all with glazed eyes, were armed with machetes. Eugene and Tina defended themselves with bar stools and pieces of furniture for about 30 minutes, but grew too tired to continue. Though badly wounded, they managed to escape the house when Tina took some money from the bedroom (about $300) and threw it at the men, who began to turn on each other in a scramble to pick up the money.

Eugene and Tina hid in the elephant grass until the attackers tired of trying to find them. They were badly cut, as well as having broken bones, and were air lifted to South Africa for treatment and recovery. Upon their return a couple of months later, they found the house had been stripped of everything of any value. It was apparent, however, that the motive was murder, not robbery.

There was a second attack by the same men shortly thereafter, after which the attackers were identified and arrested by the authorities.

Eugene went to visit the ringleader in jail numerous times, each time taking him food, water and fresh clothes. (Those amenities do not come automatically with jail time in this part of the world.) “Why did you attack us?” Eugene asked, to which the man replied, “I had a burning here (pointing to his chest) that told me here (pointing to his head) that we must kill you.” At that point, Eugene said, it all made sense. It was all spiritual; retaliation from Satan for encouraging the release of the infants from their satanic dedication.

Eugene said to the man, “Your god destroys people; my God loves you.” After some time the ringleader surrendered his heart to Jesus. He is still in jail, but he is now a brother.


  1. Wow! That is encouraging to see how after being convicted by God's Spirit to dedicate their children to Christ, that God ultimately protected them and then confirmed to them that their children were, in fact dedicated to demonic powers!
    And to top it all off, the man who came to murder Tina was brought into relationship with the creator, by Tina's obedience to God's command to LOVE him, despite what wrongs were committed against him. POWERFUL!!

  2. Well, for some reason I thought Tina went to the jail. Woops! It clearly says Eugene. That is why I used to do poorly at "reading comprehension" in HS.:)
